Thursday, May 21, 2009

What can I do...?

Okay I have sat down today and reflected or thought about my life, or what I do everyday. I just feel like my life right now is hum drum, boring, same old same old stuff. I am going CRAZY! I read other people's blog or hear about things they did and it makes me feel like I don't do anything. I see so many mom's out there that work hard, are constantly doing things or are on the run with kids, or are so crafty they just keep themselves busy. I want to be a mom like that.

I literally have the same schedule everyday almost to the second. It goes something like this:

In between 7-8a (depending on when he fell asleep the night before) Dezi wakes up.

8-9a I make breakfast for us and clean up our dishes.

9-11/11:30a We play, watch educational shows (for kids-pbs or disney), do flash cards, read books.

11/11:30-1:30p Dezi takes his nap and I clean the entire house. Dishes (there is a pile...PILE everyday, don't ask, I don't even know), clean kitchen, wipe table, sweep (there is constantly food crumbs on the ground that Dezi will find), mop (swiffer) if I'm not to tired, walk around and find hidden dishes that I wash & find paper towels and other random trash all over the house that needs to be thrown away, then take the trash out, then I blog & do Internet stuff until he wakes up which is usually about 30 min.

1:30-2'ish make lunch and eat and clean up mess.

2'ish-watch an Einstein video (I hope he gets something from them)

2:30-3'ish- play until grandma comes home

I usually get a 15-20min. break before she cooks (I don't know why she does it so early, although she always says she's hungry when she gets home so she just makes dinner) then if Gils not to tired from work I can get maybe an hour break to watch my show that I record or put clothes in the wash. Then of course I feed Dezi dinner, bathe him, then kind of ignore him a little so I can get somewhat of a break. Is that wrong? Then put him to bed & put all of his toys away. Before I know it the day is gone.

I feel sometimes that Gil doesn't really try hard to give me breaks because Dezi is constantly wanting me and needing attention, so then he says, here he wants YOU..then goes and plays games till he falls asleep. I can go out (which I don't do enough) and Gil will be fine with him and vise versa but I guess it's when I'm there he has a hard time. Is that weird?

The only time my schedule changes is if I go to the mall with my sisters. I guess I'm kinda a neat/clean freak so I have to do those things and I like having Dezi on a schedule. I guess I kind of put it on myself. I just had to get it off my chest and feel much better now.

But I'm still curious. What do you moms do during the day. How do you get so much stuff done, or get crafts done, or have time for yourselves. Please give me your secrets!


Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much

Your job is the best! But I know at times it's hard to see that. . .at least for me. I think we are lucky to be stay at home moms and not miss out on all of the craziness. Is that an oxymoran? Believe me, I never thought twice about crafting when my kids where babies. Babies as you know it are a lot of work but now that the kids are in school, I finally found some time to dust off all of my crafting supplies. Hey, take a break, lets go out. I'll call you. I think I'm up for a pedi.


i just saw one of my friends blogs that said the same thing, all mom's of babies feel the same way. i am with sonya, i never did crafty things when my kids were little. you are doing the best thing for dezi that you could possibly do even though it feels unrewarding. you should just take the time for yourself when you can. as soon as school is out i am up for hanging out at the beach or walking or anything!

The Banks Family

motherhood is the hardest job anyone could ever have. it's a shame that women these days don't see that. i'm in the same boat as you. we have a daily routine that i try not stray away from, only i take a nap when they do. probably because i stay up late blogging ;). i try to take sariah out of the house at least once a day, store or playground. when noah takes a nap i have her practice writing her alphabet, flashcards, or workbooks. no crafting though. crafting is something that i though about doing. i just keep telling myself that it'll be easier when noah is one and we'll be able to do more stuff. you can call me anytime to talk and vent.

Erickson Family

I've realized that reading people's blogs makes it look like their lives are fab. At least for me, I only blog the things that are exciting, but those things happen rarely. But when you read them all right in a row on a blog it makes it seem as though those fab things happen more often. Did that make sense?? LOL You're a great mom! You take pride in your house and family and that's somthing to feel good about =D

DeCaires Chronicles

my schedule looks similar to yours. soory, no secrets from me. but sea life park is free for mamas and babies 3 and under for the rest of may. i'm looking for people to go with. i called u'i. you ladies wanna go?