Monday, May 18, 2009

Don't know what to think...

Aahh! I had a wonderful sleep. Dezi slept in his own bed for most of the night, woke up very happy, ate his breakfast, then it started.
As Dezi was finishing his breakfast I started to clear my stuff (while talking on the phone to my sis.) and I guess my talking on the phone distracted me a little. I knew he had a little bit of peaches left to eat, and when I came back they were gone. "Good!" I thought to myself then, Aaaaahhhhhh!!!

Chalei: "What!?"

Me: "Uh.....ha ha....LOL!! Hmmm."

Chalei: "What?"

Me: "Dezi just smashed his peaches into his, ALL OVER his hair!"

Chalei: "L.O.L.!!!!"

Me: "Oh..... my..... gosh! Now I'm going to have to bathe him. Ugh."

So I clean Dezi up with a wet paper towel and take him out of his high chair (still talking) and let him run around until I am ready to bathe him. After cleaning up a little I go to the living room to get him and when I turn around to walk to the bathroom I notice little brown balls on the floor.

Me: "Aaahhhh" (a sucking-in-your-breath kind of aaahhh, while having a perplexed look on my face).

Chalei: "Oh, what?"

Me: (very quietly saying..) "What is this?"

Eeeeeuuuuwwwww! There's doodoo balls on the floor! Dezi's doodoo balls fell all over the floor! They fell out of his diaper!

Chalei: (while laughing ) "How does doodoo fall out of his diaper?"

Okay in the morning his diaper is a little saggy but I don't change him right away cause I know he's going to make doodoo pretty much right after his breakfast. It's like clock work. Why waste diapers I say...they're expensive! Some times though his diaper is really hanging low that I can see through his diaper. I guess it was just one of those mornings. I don't know if I'll be using pampers anymore. Anyone have any recommendations on what diapers hold a lot of pee but won't sag? I did the huggies thing and I don't know, he would pee all over his shirts. Even if I made them super tight. I'm still confused to this day. Anyway pampers have been working great until recently. I did buy a target brand only because they are super-dee-duper cheap, so we'll see how that goes!



can't help you on that one but that happened to me in a mall once and i had nothing to pick it up with- NighTMarE! i went running all over while someone stayed there with it! i guess just make sure he goes to bed dry and doesn't drink right before bed so it can hold it until you change him?! maybe you should put him on the potty right after breakfast if it is like clockwork, you might save a diaper after all:)

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much

Funny! but I guess it wasn't funny at the time. At night I used the "Good Nights" diapers by Huggies. They seem to keep everything inside :) But I think not matter what, you'll be bound to have something like that happen to you. I've had my few shares! ; )

U'i and Kahana

Lol! funny :) i know you already told me the story this morning, but i thought id come read your post anyways and leave you a comment! well you know for us, its LUVS all the way baby! i love luvs :) their cheaper, and they've always been good to us. we've had our share of leaks every once in a while. im pretty much 100% sure you'll have saggy daipers and leaks with any daipers if the kid is in them long enough. but luvs have always worked for us :)