Saturday, May 9, 2009

100 things tag... #1

I saw this tag on a friend of mine's blog and actually found out some interesting facts about her. I know it's late but wanted to do the same thing for those of you even my family members who want to really know me. Who knows maybe it'll be fun.
100 things tag:
Every day for 100 days (in between my regular posts) I will post a random fact about myself. Likes, dislikes, quirkes and other randoms...
I tag those who want to do the same.
1. I was the only one in my family that was born in Hawaii, but I was not raised here.
*Born in Hawaii but moved just before my 2nd birthday.
*Lived in New Albany, Indiana till 3 yrs. old
* Lived in Charleston (River Ridge), Indiana till 6 yrs. old
*Lived in Copperas Cove, Texas till 13 yrs. old
* Been in Hawaii ever since.