Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween 2008...

Halloween 2008 was the funnest (I know that's not a word) for my family!!! We all dressed up. Everyone came down to the Deliz house for trick or treating and then we all ate some pizza and pasta and other yummy treats for dinner. We walked around the Mauka area of Mililani (just around our house) and there were a lot of things to see and the kids had tons of fun.

We had...

a paintballer (Gil) and Dezi was Go Han from Dragonball Z

this was taken after we came back so he was tired and cranky.

a cat (Kezley), and Miami Vice guy (Kauwe)

you can't see it in the photo but he brushed his hair like that side part and gelled it and had a pink polo with white pants and those preppy shoes.

a witch (Naysa)

Jasmin (Bela), monkey (Kia'i), pirates (Krysta Liana, Taylin, & Hailey), Pocahontas (Aleena)

Sleeping Beauty (Keely), a samurai (Keoni) and I couldn't find a pic. of Cody but I don't even know what he was.

But the winners for the best costume were....







The sisters!

We all dressed up in 80's attire and had a ball teasing each other and helping each other tease our hair. It was so much fun this year. We were all (well the sisters) together finally and so it was nice to do something crazy together. As you can see Kapua (in white) and Eva (in red) were going to the prom and the rest of us were regular or punk rock 80's. What do you think?

These are our 80's poses. I didn't know what to do so that's what I came up with...?....I was little in the 80's so I don't know how they really posed.

I know it's late but....

Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun one!



i was in the 80's, not sure if i ever did that but you look cute anyway, i think i feel old when people are dressing for halloween the way we really dressed in high school!
looks like fun!


i was in the 80's, not sure if i ever did that but you look cute anyway, i think i feel old when people are dressing for halloween the way we really dressed in high school!
looks like fun!


sorry don't know why there's 2 you can delete these last 2.


i love the 80's costumes! very cool


me again! LOVE the background, especially with the halloween post :) i can't wait to put my christmas background up but i am waiting a little bit more!

The Banks Family

the pics are so cute. you and your sisters have so much fun together. i wish i had more siblings. oh well.