On November 1, 2008 we had Dezi's first birthday luau. It was at the Mililani Stake Center and we had a dinner. From what I heard it was a success. People loved the food and the kids had a great time. I guess I can say that it was all worth the headaches and stress that I had. The day started out as early as possible.
The original plan was that my family was going to come to our house for halloween and trick or treat and eat dinner, then we were going to go to the chapel to set up at least the tables and chairs. But when I called the person that I was supposed to get the key from they said I couldn't do that. Supposedly someone was using the chapel that night? Anyway I asked a friend of mine what was happening in the chapel since she was there for trunk or treat in the parking lot and she said nothing's going on the cultural hall looks empty. I don't know what the big deal was about me not being able to set up that night. But I still listened.
So this is the set up from the stage.

The food was awesome! Vonn Logan catered the event. He is so nice and very much a professional. The food was ready on time and everything tasted great! We had the typical hawaiian food and for pupu's we had an array of lumpia, chips & dip, soy beans and a lot of other stuff. The dessert was awesome too. My family made the desserts and pupu's.

This was the "game center" I guess you could say. We had a fishing game, make your own visor, bean bag toss, basketball, and a ring toss game. Plus the big jumper. (what a story that was)

These are my beautiful sisters who were my sign in people. And the sandcastle on the table is the card box that Gil's mom made.

This was the favor. Chocolate chip cookies with a frosting beachball on the top. Never, ever, ever again will I do this favor. First we had to bake all 250 cookies and then air seal them all. Then we decorated each cookie (the day before) to look like a beach ball. A lot of tedious work and not really worth it. It took us ALL day. Literally. My mom and dad, sisters and me were doing them at first, then I got so desperate that I let my niece and nephew help out. Next time i'll buy them.

This is the stage. My mom's friend, Miles, from work does this kind of stuff on the side. He was so happy to volunteer. He asked my mom over & over again if he could do a party for us cause he knows we have a lot of little ones. He did a couple of our parties before. He did all the pillars and the clusters around the windows, he basically did everything, except the stage. I'm proud to say that it was my idea and it turned out great. With the exception of a few trial and error runs.

These were the center pieces. Buckets with a towel and some beach toys. And balloons were attached to every other one. We also had little beach balls between the buckets. Gil came up with this idea. He was so proud.

Dezi's cake from Sam's. Don't ever go there if you want your cakes on time. This is the 3rd time they did this to us. So the cake was supposed to be ready to pick up at 10 in the morning. Well we called just make sure it was ready and the lady says, "Your cake is the one with the pirates of the carribean background only with toys on the side, correct?" "Yes." "Okay well it not's ready. Your cake is white with like smudge marks of blue." "What!!!!" "I can have the workers stop what there doing and just work on your cake right now and it will be done in 15 min." So I send my father to pick up the cake 20-25 min. later and the cake is still not ready. They didn't even start on it till my dad got there to pick it up. Uuuuugggggghhhhh! Like I didn't have enough to worry about already. Well the cake arrived with my dad finally and it looked okay. I didn't want to deal with it already.

Happy (and tired) parents now that the party was almost over. And the tired party pooper boy. He didn't really have a good nap all day and he was playing the whole day while we were setting up. So at the party he was moody. Sorry everyone. He does love you all!

These are my awesome helpers without Kauwe and Eva. They helped so much. They showed up early and on time and worked worked worked till everything was done. The party started at 5pm, we didn't finish till almost 4. Thank you all for helping out with everything it wouldn't have turned out half as nice without your help. They even stayed and cleaned up afterward.

Okay another quick story about the jumper. So I headed home about 3:45 to get ready, well the jumper guy called and said sorry i'm late but i'm lost. It wasn't a big deal that he was late cause the party didn't even start yet so I didn't really care, and told him that. So after giving him directions and making sure he knew where he was going, he said okay i'll be there in 5 min. So I turn around go back to the chapel and we get there at the same time. After setting up the jumper he gives me the total and says I only take cash. I asked if had change and he looked at me and rolled his head while he said "No." So I asked my grandmother if she had little bills to give him the right amount. Well after she leaves to go to her car he looks at me and says, "tip?" I just looked at him for a second shocked that he even had the nerve to say that. So I give the money and said, "Fine, here, just take it." He turns around and says (while he is walking away) "thanks, your the first today." (to give him a tip). Gee wonder why. Anyway he comes back because he forgets his little clipboard thing, then walks away again and says, "Oh, sorry for being late again." Aaaaagggghhhhhhh!!!! What the
mailto:$@*!!! I wanted to hit him so bad then take the money back. Then when he comes to pick up the jumper, he says to my sister, "I forgot my dolly so i'm gonna use this thing." The thing that you put the tables on and roll under the stage. What a guy huh! So glad that it's over.
Okay so that wasn't a quick story but I had to vent!
Dezi got a lot of good presents and didn't even care about opening them. I tried to make it look fun and he didn't care. He just wanted the present inside. Don't blame him though. Thanks for all those who came to help celebrate his birthday!