Friday, July 31, 2009

100 things #73...

73. Perks about being the daughter of the stake president....You get to meet all kinds of people like, I met Pres. Monson and had dinner with him when he was still the 1st counselor, Elder Hales (quorum of the 12) ate at our house. President Uchdorf (when he was in the 12) and his wife ate at our house (Gil and I had to pick them up from the Mandarin in Kahala, boy it's tough for them to travel...Hee hee!) and he ate all the last bit of our kim chee and didn't ask if anyone wanted. LOL!! He LOVES kim chee. Elder Dickson/Dickinson (?) of the 70 ate and stayed at our house (He was the most hilarious out of them all). Many more have stayed in our guest room and ate with us but I can't remember them all. It was such a blessing to have those men come in our home and to talk with them and feel their spirit and love for the gospel but also just to be normal with them. Although we were kind of star struck in a way they are totally cool.
One cool story is that my sister had her wisdom's pulled out but my dad had meetings with Elder Nelson. Well she fainted on the floor so naturally I called my dad and he had just picked up Elder Nelson. I told him the situation and Elder Nelson told me to give her extra strength Tylenol and liquids. It seems so futile and such an easy fix but just because they came from Elder Nelson it was "whoa...okay."



that is awesome, what a neat experience, i would be so nervous to have any of them in my home!

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much

Such neat experiences to have met and ate with those men of God! Any pictures? Those would be neat to have when you tell those stories to your kids and grandkids.

Gil, Keli, Dezi and Ava

sadly no pics.

The Banks Family

wow, i can't believe you met all of those people. i heard you mention some in passing, but still, wow!