Saturday, June 6, 2009

Explaining my #28...

Okay to explain the reasoning behind #28..."I've been traumatized" is that, I was at my oldest sister's 2nd birth(?) anyway, the nurses and numbing doctor (don't know how to spell it) came in to give my sister the epidural while telling everyone they had to leave so they could give it to her. So on my way out they wheel in the tray with EVERYTHING on it and I could see the dang big needle and everything. It scared & freaked the crap out of me and from that day on I vowed to never get one.
While giving birth to Dezi, the nurses saw me in soooooooo much pain that they were trying to get me to take the epidural. Numerous times. Even putting guilt on me. But I didn't take it.



i've seen pictures of the epidural needle and I just refused to look at it because yes both kids I used an epidural! and it was wonderful. well, once the meds kicked in anyway.


i never saw it either. matt puts them in all day long though when he is in OB. it is anethesiologist or nurse anesthetist- we prefer the latter!!


Oh boy! I don't know what I would have done if I'd seen the epidural needle--probably pass out. I had epidurals with the girls and went natural with the boys. Sometimes you need the pain relief and sometimes you don't--I'm glad I had the option!!

The Banks Family

i absolutely love the epidural and i recommend it to everyone. it takes all the pain away. i've never actually seen the needle, it probably would have freaked me out too. but as soon as i go into the hospital, i make sure that every nurse i see knows that i want the epidural.