50. And I totally love my soap opera, The Young and the Restless. I have to DVR it cause I never get to watch it peacefully during the day. So when Gil comes home from work he knows his job at home right away. Keep Dezi quiet and out of the room! LOL!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
100 things #49...
49. I am totally addicted to reality shows...
-John & Kate plus 8 (so sad)
-The Hills (I'm gonna miss Lauren)
-The Bachelorette
-18 Kids and counting
-Real Housewives (only certain ones)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
100 things #48...
48. I had a huge crush on the only other Hawaiian boy in my middle school. But he liked a Caucasian girl of course.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
TAG...Your It!
Okay so this is an official tag. If you are on my list your tag is this...
1. Post a picture of yourself with a hairstyle that was popular in your day.
2. Name the style and how old you were.
I can't wait to see who does it cause i'm ready for some ab hurtin', tear runnin', cheek crampin' pee in your pants laughs.
Well not that last part but you know what i mean.
100 things #47...
47. In elementary I was picked to be a door greeter person (you welcomed parents and had them sign in on a paper and gave them a map of the school w/that nights schedule-for the parents night) with a fellow classmate. Everyone wanted to be it but only 4 fourth graders got picked each year. Lucky me!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
100 things #46...
46. Secretly I have all the names for my kids picked out. But I'm not telling. I learned my lesson with Dezi. Is that weird?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
100 things #44...
44. In my elementary days there was a girl in my ward who I so envied. Forgive me! Anyway we were good friends and I just loved going to her house. Her and her sisters every Sunday wore the puffiest, frilliest dresses and had the bow in their hair to match. I wanted to be a part of their family so bad. She had 4 sisters. Every time I went to her house I wore all her stuff. Poor thing! She was probably irritated.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Found it...
Oh my, I actually found one. So this is kind of embarrassing but what ever. At least I've moved on from this era.
Uh huh......laugh it up ladies, laugh it up!
100 things #43...
43. You know the saying: "Everything is bigger in Texas." Well that rang true for me in middle school. The fashion was to have big poofy bangs and I followed along. Wish I had a picture to show. I actually do but don't have a scanner.
When it WAS hot...
Not to say that it's not hot now but the trades have come back so it's been nice lately. When it was hot and muggy with no wind what so ever this is what we did do...
Cooled off in our pool.
Played at the park.
And lounged around at home. In the A.C.
Friday, June 19, 2009
100 things #42...
42. All of my callings include(d):
-Primary pianist (3 years)
**Do Not get any ideas. Primary songs are kinda easy, plus I haven't played in YEARS!!!
-Relief Society Chorister
-Young Women Secretary. (By far my fav.)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
100 things #41...
41. I am very loyal. If you are a friend or family of mine I will do anything to help and always be there for you.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
100 things #40...
40. I now very much enjoy doing crafty things. I just wish I could do it all the time and maybe take some sewing classes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
100 things #39...
39. When I had my first job, I was living paycheck to paycheck. I probably even spent my money before it was mine. How greedy I was..LOL!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
100 things #37...
37. I DO NOT like it when people are judgemental. It happened to me in highschool w/ a seminary teacher and to this day I still don't really like her.
*She is the exception to my..I forgive pretty quickly... fact about me.
*She is the exception to my..I forgive pretty quickly... fact about me.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
100 things #36...
36. For one of my YW projects I combined with another Laurel and we did sewing, and then a fashion show to show off what all the girls made.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Glad to support, but didn't know...
So a while back my family goes to Kapiolani Park Bandstand to help support my niece who was dancing hula with her halau. I don't think anyone one of us saw her dance before out of the 3 years (3) she's been dancing. So we were all excited to go but then realized that it's at Kapiolani we should leave early so we can get some kind of parking.
Gil and I left early enough to get parking but when we arrived we were very surprised. There was a Hawaiian thingy going on over there with hundreds of extra people to support Hawaii and all the things about Hawaii. The culture, language, food, etc.. So we totally lucked out and found parking in the lot right next to the bandstand. We find my family and everyone says, "I know. We didn't know what was going on either. " So although we didn't realize that my niece was dancing for this "Support Hawaii" thing, (that's not what it was called I forget the name.) I'm glad we went and were able to show our love for where we live.
Of course it was so blistering hot that day that my family found some shade to sit under. See this tree....well it was packed with birds. Big, ugly, dirty birds and you can probably guess what happened next. Right when Gil and I arrive we start talking to my sister and I see out of the corner of my eye a big something fall near Dezi who was in the stroller. So I look down, can't see anything. Look on Gil, can't see anything. Look around Dezi's stroller, can't see anything. Then brush it out of my mind. Not even a minute later I'm thinking "Something fell, it has to be doodoo, where the heck is it?" Look all over my self (stupid thought cause it landed in front of me but I was so perplexed). Look all around again and I finally spot it. ON DEZI'S ARM!!!
A big HUGE plop of doodoo was on his arm. I freak out and start cleaning his arm and Gil and my sister-in-law are making sure he doesn't move and spread it or touch it (he had no idea it was on his arm until I freaked). While I'm cleaning up I see an even bigger mess on his shirt. I swear this bird saved up for days and unloaded at the perfect opportune time.
While we were waiting for my niece to come and perform other singers were playing and invited anyone who felt the music to come and dance. And so this little old man did just that.
He was so cute and good that Dezi just started at him the entire song and he even came up to Dezi and danced for him.
Finally, here's my niece in the purple skirt up front.
She did such a good job.
100 things #35...
35. In highschool I only went to Junior and Senior prom. I didn't go to winter balls or fantasies or anything like that. I was asked to a couple of them but I just didn't want to go.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
100 things #34...
34. I ate McDonalds one night after working a late shift at Longs and got food poisoning. Really REALLY bad food poisoning. I was in the hospital E.R. and I literally threw up from 10p to 6:30a. After I threw up EVERYTHING that I could, I had nothing left but was still dry heaving for a couple of hours. To this day I cannot eat McDonalds. Only the cookies, fries, yogurt, etc., but nothing like a sandwich or nuggets or anything like that. Traumatized I tell you!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The many faces of Dezi...
Content..."I'm just loving my baby."
100 things #33...
33. My most favorite job that I have had was working at Hahaione Elementary for the A+ program. I was an AE for a boy who had a Reactive Attachment Disorder. He was very physically abusive and sneaky to other kids of course but mostly with me. Go figure? But it was so rewarding to see him make a right choice, and help other kids and do really well in school.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
100 things #32...
32. I am, Hawaiian, Chinese, French, Irish, a tad Portuguese, Dutch & Danish. Are those last two the same thing?
Monday, June 8, 2009
100 things #31...
31. I had my first boy friend, who I didn't really like ( we were friends/classmates but I didn't have any feelings for him but when he asked me out I said yes. Don't even....I....uugghh...plegh...yeah, uh huh, What?~my exact thoughts right now.) in the 8th grade. It was only like a month, we held hands, kissed a couple of times on the lips...NO OPEN MOUTHS...eeewww! Then I just said I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore and after that we weren't even friends.
By the way, he was supposed to be in the 10th grade.
By the way, he was supposed to be in the 10th grade.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
100 things #30...
30. I am such a clean freak! When it comes to my things of course. I cannot stand my things being all over the place or dirty. Everything has to be organized and in it's place. Sometimes things do get a little messy, but when I finally clean it I double or even triple clean it.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Explaining my #28...
Okay to explain the reasoning behind #28..."I've been traumatized" is that, I was at my oldest sister's 2nd birth(?) anyway, the nurses and numbing doctor (don't know how to spell it) came in to give my sister the epidural while telling everyone they had to leave so they could give it to her. So on my way out they wheel in the tray with EVERYTHING on it and I could see the dang big needle and everything. It scared & freaked the crap out of me and from that day on I vowed to never get one.
While giving birth to Dezi, the nurses saw me in soooooooo much pain that they were trying to get me to take the epidural. Numerous times. Even putting guilt on me. But I didn't take it.
100 things #29...
29. I've seen 10 live child births. All my sisters of course. And they have yet to see mine.
Friday, June 5, 2009
100 things #28...
28. I went through child birth naturally, no drugs. I want 3 more......naturally!
WHY....?.....I've been traumatized!
WHY....?.....I've been traumatized!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
100 things #27...
27. I took my first job at Longs Kahala as a courtesy clerk (getting carts, bagging, and stocking shelves) then as a cashier, then I did day care for a few months, then went back to Longs & worked in the photo department, then did A+ for two years.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
100 things #26...
26. This one's a little personal....I've had 3 surgeries on both my boobs in a span of 8 years to take out tumors or systs kind of things. I forget what the actual name is called. Thankfully none of them have tested positive for cancer cells.....so far. KNOCK ON WOOD-KNOCK, KNOCK!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
100 things #25...
25. Because I was always teased about how white I was for a "Hawaiian" (living in the mainland), I would pray every night that I would "marry a tan dark man so that my kids wouldn't get teased." He sure did answer my prayers!
Watch out for what you pray for. Especially a young innocent child's prayer.
Watch out for what you pray for. Especially a young innocent child's prayer.
Monday, June 1, 2009
100 things #24...
24. I can still remember most of my teachers names:
kindergarten- Mrs. Hanes
1st-Mrs. Kimball
2nd-Mrs. Lovett
3rd- Mrs. Lovelle
4th- Mrs. Goodloe
5th- (homeroom) Mrs. Smith
6th- (homeroom) Mrs. Turner (Cami...j.k. hee hee)
okay this is when I moved to hawaii and none of the kids called the teachers Mrs. so and so, so I kinda forget my 7th and 8th grade homeroom teachers names but i do know all my highschool teachers names. There's just to many to type out. But still..... hello ....how many of you can do it?
7th- ?
kindergarten- Mrs. Hanes
1st-Mrs. Kimball
2nd-Mrs. Lovett
3rd- Mrs. Lovelle
4th- Mrs. Goodloe
5th- (homeroom) Mrs. Smith
6th- (homeroom) Mrs. Turner (Cami...j.k. hee hee)
okay this is when I moved to hawaii and none of the kids called the teachers Mrs. so and so, so I kinda forget my 7th and 8th grade homeroom teachers names but i do know all my highschool teachers names. There's just to many to type out. But still..... hello ....how many of you can do it?
7th- ?
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