Friday, September 26, 2008

Blogging frustrations.....

Aaaggghhh!!! day I will find the perfect layout/background for my blog and make it simple, fun, and most of all US (as in my family). I have been going to every site that I can find(courtesy of other bloggers sites) to look for FREE layouts that just jump out at me and that I will totally LOVE! However, it's frustrating when you go to all these sites, realizing that you just spent 2-3 precious hours on the computer that you could have spent sleeping but thought, "Let's just look and see." and there's nothing that you see that you just really really like. Lately, I've been feeling like my blog is just plain and blah and nothing special. So tonight I attempted the blogging sites again, and again found nothing. This is the closest thing I guess that I kinda like but not really. If any of you have any suggestions, please, I would love to hear them.

I have thought about just not doing my blog all together but then thought that this is really the only "journal" that I have, and I am actually keeping up with it (for now anyway). I would like to continue my online journal so that my children can one day read about all the things that have happened while they were young (if it's still around by then....LOL!!). This is really a good way of keeping sweet and precious memories alive. So please, any suggestions you have are more than welcome. My blog needs help and so do I!


Brian and Cami

Don't give up your blog! Then we can't see all the cute pictures of Dezi and you guys! I don't know where to find cute backgrounds, but hang in there!

Brian and Cami

This is the website. Try typing it in.


Whatever keli yours are always cute! That's why I'm always needing your suggestions:)Looks Good!When you get advice let me know too!


this one is cute but your last one was super cute too, lots of people change theirs all the time, like juli and amalie, i found my cute one i am sticking with it for a while. And don't quit blogging, i love it, i don't get to talk to you guys as much anymore, i can still keep up with your blog. i think about the journaling thing too though,our kids will probably have some chip implanted in their brain or something. keep it up!

Chris and Channy

hi keli! you're so cute. i went through the same thing with my blog and ended up just keeping it super simple because i was driving myself crazy trying to choose a template. has some really cute layouts you might like. i don't know if you've checked there yet.

as for giving up your blog...DON'T DO IT! like you said, it's an excellent way to journal your family's life and special memories and there's a super cool program that can take your blog and spit it out into a printable sort of photobook version so that you can have it as a keepsake. my friend did it already and i plan on printing our blog out at the end of the year and hopefully doing it every year from now on. i'll find out more about the program when it's time to print our book and i'll let you know. :)

sorry for writing so much! it's just that i could totally relate to your post. keep on posting! you won't regret it. :)

Gil, Keli, Dezi and Ava

Thanks everyone for your comments and ideas. I just need to not worry about it and pick something that I like cause I know that there won't be that "PERFECT" one. You guys are awesome! I'm so glad I have friends like you!



don't worry so much about the background, just post:) if you find out about that printable version of the blogs let me know!!