Wednesday, July 13, 2011

28 weeks...

So I'm a little over 28 weeks now and boy has it been an adventure so far. To commemorate this special occasion I've decided to list 28 things about my pregnancy that you may or may not know...

1. It's a GIRL! (And we couldn't be happier!)

2. My nausea is all gone. (The first 4 months were torturous)

3. I have a really bad sciatic nerve thing happening in my back, buttocks, and left leg...boy does that suck really bad.

4. Happy to report no stretch marks yet!

5. At every recent appointment I have measured 2 cm over what I should be.

6. At my last ultrasound which was this past Monday the nurse informed me that SHE is now
a 2lb. 10 oz. little bundle of Joy.

7. I've gained a total of 7lbs. this whole pregnancy (Which in my mind doesn't sound right
seeing as how I feel HUGE!)

8. In the beginning I lost about 9lbs.

9. We've already named HER.

10. It's a GIRL!! (And we couldn't be happier!)

11. She is such a mover and kicker. (Waaaay more than Dezi ever was)

12. I have braxton hicks everyday.

13. Sometimes I have actual contractions.

14. I think she looks like Dezi. (I know I can't really tell but their ultrasound pictures look the

15. I still have no cravings.

16. I do have a sweet tooth though.

17. I failed my first gestational diabetes test...... miserably.

18. Took my second diabetes test and almost threw it up!

19. I'm still super, super tired!

20. It's a GIRL!! (And we couldn't be happier!)

21. She's starting to kick my ribs and stretch in opposite directions which really hurts

22. Dezi has been really loving to my belly and baby sister. (That's what he says..."I love your
belly and my baby sister.")

23. She LOVES to play kick ball with my bladder. (Don't ask how many accidents I've had)

24. My Due Date is October 1.

25. I'll probably give birth in September.

26. I am now seeing the doctor every two weeks.

27. I've had a couple of leg cramps...but luckily they haven't been bad.....yet.

28. Did I mention that it's a GIRL!! And we really couldn't be happier!!