Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lucky we live Hawaii...

A few week ends ago Gil, Dezi and I went to the beach to enjoy the warm sunny day. I don't know which beach exactly but it was on the north shore right in front of the Volcom house. Anyway we were playing and having fun when Gil spotted to whales playing in the water. They were just jumping out and throwing their bodies back in. I forget what you call it. I couldn't believe he could see that far. These are the best two pictures that we took. We didn't think to put on the other lens of the camera at the time. But I think if you click on the picture you can see it better.

The whale just going in the water. You can see his white splash.

You can see the whale coming out of the water.

If you ever wondered if sand tastes good just ask Dezi!

Daddy put Dezi on the board and pushed him down the sand hill. He didn't really like that.



we were at the blowhole on sunday and saw some. it is called breaching. i get so excited, i just wish it was closer! great pictures!

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much

It's so neat to see whales breaching! Love the pictures!